Flashing Systems | OTG Flashing and MASKROM Mode for OK3568-C Single Board Computer
1. OTG Driver Installation
Tool: OK3568-C ForlinxDesktop User Profile\ForlinxDesktop\Tool\DriverAssitant_v5.11.zip
Extract the above path file to any directory and run it with administrator privileges
Open DriverInstall.exe
Click "Driver Installation"
2. OTG Full Flashing Test
Path: OK3568-C ForlinxDesktop User Profile\ForlinxDesktop\Tool\RKDevTool_Release.zip
It is a development tool provided by Rockchip, before using it, unzip it to a full English path, connect the development board and the host computer with a Type-C cable, press and hold the recovery key of the development board and don't release it, then press the reset key to reset the system, about two seconds after releasing the recovery key. There will be prompts on the Rockchip development tool :
loader device found
The condition for recognition is that the development board is powered up and the recover key is in the pressed state.
Theoretically, Rockchip development tools have no requirements for the unzip directory. However, some users have feedback that the unzip directory should be in full English. If the tool doesn't match the following figure, please consider unzipping it in an English directory.
Note: Pay attention to two points during OTG programming:
1. Link the OTG line.
2. If OTG is multiplexed with the USB 3.0, it is necessary to modify the dial switch, as shown in the following figure:
Open the RKDevTool
Click the "Upgrade Firmware" tab, click the "Firmware" button to select the full upgrade image update.img.
If the key operation fails, the board will start normally, and the tool interface displays Found One ADB Device. In this case, you can click the “switch” button of the tool to enter loader mode.
3. OTG Step Programming Test
In the development phase, it is very time-consuming to flash all of them every time, so here is the method of using OTG flashing tool to flash in separate partitions.
The condition for recognition is that the development board is powered up and the recover key is in the pressed state.
First, after OK3568-Forlinx Desktop-release is compiled, a separate partition image can be found in the rockdev directory
Take separate programming boot.img (including device tree and startup logo) as an example to demonstrate the programming method. Use the Type-C cable to connect the development board to the host. Press and hold the recover key and do not release it. Then press the reset key to reset the system. Release the recover key after about two seconds. The system will prompt to discover the loader device.
Click the "Dev Partition" button to automatically read the partition address. There will be a prompt that some partitions cannot be read. Click OK.
Click the right test area of the partition to select the partition mirror, and check the partition.
Click the "Run" button will automatically flash and restart.
Other partitions have been detected on the right but are not displayed in the list on the left, and when you need to flash the partition, you need to right-click on the left and select "Select Add Item", just enter the partition, click "Read Partition Table" again, and the software will automatically assign the partition address.
Introduction to MASKROM mode
If Loader mode is inaccessible (loader problem, etc.), press and hold the BOOT key, then press the reset key to enter maskrom mode for flashing.
At this time, the system will prompt the discovery of a maskrom device. The flashing process is consistent with the loader mode, so it is best to use an update.img flashing.
Note: Don't click "Device Partition Table" in maskrom mode, it is invalid.