iMX6 Development Board RTL8188cus Chip USB WIFI Use

The test program used in the test in this section has been integrated in the Demo provided by the Forlinx imx6 development board, so there is no description of the file source, and the command operation is performed directly.

USB WIFI wireless LAN card is an optional module.

iMX6 Development Board RTL8188cus Chip USB WIFI Use

The iMX6 development board supports the rtl8188cus chip, the available module model is tp-link tl-wn725n 1.1, and the available module model is tp-link tl-wn725n 1.0 EP-N8508GS.

  • Step 1: Power off the development board, connect the Forlinx USB WIFI to the USB host interface of the Forlinx development board, and install it correctly as shown above.
  • Step 2: Power on the development board and start the Linux system.
  • Step 3: Uninstall the inserted 8743au module and install the rtl8188cus USB wifi driver module rtl8192cu.
  • View inserted modules

    root@freescale ~$ lsmod
    Module                  Size  Used by
    8723au                992806  0 

    Uninstall modules that have been added to the kernel

    root@freescale ~$ rmmod 8743au
    root@freescale ~$ cd /lib/modules/wifi/
    root@freescale /lib/modules/wifi$ insmod 8192cu.ko
    root@freescale ~$ lsmod
    Module                  Size  Used by
    8192cu                643995  0 

  • Step 4: Execute the following command to detect the status of the wifi network card of the development board, and the router uses wep encryption.
  • root@freescale ~$ifconfig wlan0

    Serial port information:

    root@freescale /lib/modules/wifi$ ifconfig wlan0
    wlan0   Link encap: Ethernet  HWaddr E8:4E:06:13:0F:E8
               BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
               RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
               TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
               collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
               RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) 

  • Step 5: Turn off the Ethernet card, the command is as follows.
  • root@freescale ~$ifconfig eth0 down

  • Step 6: Start the USB WIFI, the command is as follows.
  • root@freescale ~$ifconfig wlan0 up

  • Step 7: Use USB WIFI to scan for wireless network devices, the command is as follows.
  •  root@freescale ~$ iwlist wlan0 scan
              Cell 04 - Address: 00:21:27:65:77:5E
                        Protocol:IEEE 802.11bg
                        Mode: Master
                        Frequency:2.437 GHz (Channel 6)
                        Encryption key: on
                        Bit Rates:54 Mb/s
                        Quality=20/100  Signal level=87/100 

  • Step 8: Set the IP of the USB WIFI.
  • #ifconfig wlan0

  • Step 9: Set essid, the command is as follows.
  • #iwconfig wlan0 essid "devnet"

  • Step 10: Set the router access password, the command is as follows.
  • #iwconfig wlan0 key "123456789"

  • Step 11: Set the gateway, the command is as follows.
  • #route add default gw

    Automatic ip address assignment dhcp.

    # udhcpc -iwlan0

  • Step 12: Ping the gateway, the command is as follows.
  • #ping

Note: An example of routing with a USB WIFI connection. Due to different network environments, please set according to the actual situation when you do this experiment.